tuesday rambling..ahhh

it's irritating, almost sad, that in here it's very hard to find (available) dentist. i had my first ever toothache that made my cheek and jaw swollen i almost refuse to see myself in the mirror. i am channeling the Klingon. i was thinking that i could go out -adding extra wrinkle on my forehead- and i would be completely Klingon-ish. except that it's Easter now, not Halloween and i might scare a few of Bianglala's friend when i pick her up after school today. so i drop the idea. though, i love Klingon. And Lieutenant Commander Data. and though i love Klingon, Data, and Star Trek in general, like Freddie Mercury, i don't watch Star Wars. I don't care that people said it's epic, one of the best movie ever (ever is always overrated, i think). I just don't have the appetite for Star Wars. Though i love the idea of Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi. Love Ewan from his Trainspotting period and love him more when i watched his documentary 'Long Way Down'. It's just great that a pretty face and an actor his caliber willing to go on a road trip covering with dust, crackle with tiredness, and lack of proper food. It made him so...human.

Anyway, back to the dentist. Finally find one who willing to accept me that sans verblijft and sans insurance. Got the appointment for late this afternoon. Hope he could help with the swollen.

And by the way, i activated my facebook again. Though i didn't find it as amusing as it was. Well, just activated it because some significant people still browse the pictures of my two kids everyday and i know they will miss it. So i just activated it and ignore it. Get my rambling place more than enough in this blog and twitter (with all those witty or trying so hard to be witty people). Internet, except for it's googling ability and map (i guess the credit all goes to Google) bores me today, especially with my vow that i would not go shopping online all through this April (sigh, but you have to understand the temptation and the glory, all the beauty you feel and capture when you browse all those expensive stuff in those beautiful web although you know that Topshop and Marks and Spencer is always the place you end up with)

So i think about books. Books that i bring from Bandung. Books that i haven't read. And yeah, with my swollen jaw, my influenza body, what would be more entertaining than a sit on a couch with warm blanket, jasmine tea, and Richard Dawkins ranting about God (or its nonexistent) in his God Delusion.

So yeah, i still believe life is good. And i love you. And yeah, i have to vacuum some more...


  1. I love Star Trek and Long Way Down! Dan saya ngga pernah nonton star wars juga!

    Ketemu satu perbedaan, ci, shopping. I kinda hate shopping, hehe..

    How's your toothache?

  2. haha...saya ga suka shopping kalo rame. i hate crowd. sakit giginya akhirnya sembuh, setelah seminggu! (makanya absen dari blog). so how's life? still hang on?

  3. Saya ngga suka shopping karena ngga bisa mutusin mana yang bagus dan ndak.hehe ^^
    syukurlah kalo dah sembuh.
    life's been good to me. sayanya yang ngga baik sama life :)
    nah,life goes on, sist. terombang-ambing, tapi goes on.


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