the beauty of the (not so) beautiful

couple of days ago i went to this big park. huge park with loads of flower. there's lots of beautiful flower it's almost overwhelming. lots of people come to the park since the park opens only in spring time (march till may). and too many people made it even more overwhelming for me.

at first, like thousands of people who come to the park, i was in awe. hundreds of beautiful flower in any color you can think of (i started to think that pantone color is not that original. what kind of hue and shade of color that isn't available in the nature world?). but after i walk several hundred meters, i started to feel overwhelming and bored by all those beautiful flower. after i walk for half day and my feet started to feel sore, i feel sad. the world of those flower in the park was so much alike with the world of human. we too praise all of the things that beautiful, sometimes too much it made the not so beautiful thing felt lack of something. or lack of self worthy. we strive for perfection, from the  architectural building to the shape of woman's body. we forget plain and common things, we don't tolerate ugliness, hate them, put them away.

and while i watch the beautiful girl with barbie-like feature smiling brightly next to the bright and beautiful tulips, i felt sorry for the plain and common-look grass that looking pale in comparison with the tulips. i felt sad for the shy shrub that only produce tiny negligible flower that almost invisible from my view. i felt compassion toward those not so beautiful thing in that park.i felt a solidarity toward them (haha, maybe because me myself never felt 'that beautiful' i must confess).

i read somewhere that people act nicer-even little kids-to beautiful people. so it's human to drawn to beautiful things (or people). it's human to drawn to perfection. but would it makes me less human if i choose to love the plain grass over the beautiful tulips?

She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?
She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?
She's an ugly girl, she doesn't pose a threat.
She's an ugly girl, does she make you feel safe?
Ugly girl, ugly girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?

-Jewel, Pieces of You-


  1. jadi inget quote ini :
    Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them. ~A.A. Milne

  2. nice quote from winnie the pooh? hehe...nice quote indeed

  3. hehehe, iya. bikin saya mikir-mikir panjang sekarang kalau mau nyabutin rumput di kebun :)
    sama dilemanya kalau liat belalang atau ulet pemakan daun.

  4. haha..saya punya teman yang definisi indah buat dia adalah membiarkan tamannya ditumbuhi segala jenis tanaman termasuk rumput liar dan ilalang, jadi mirip hutan kecil. beruntunglah dunia punya pencinta rumput dan ulat, kalau tidak bunga akan kehilangan makna indahnya dan kupu-kupu tidak akan pernah ada :D


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