who am i (cause i am easy like a sunday morning)

lately i find it hard to write. i mean, write as ME. i just realized it that lately i've been trying to be someone else (in writing). trying to write something hilarious and funny, while i am neither. trying to be wise, while i am not paulo coelho. maybe i am over conscious.

and over conscious makes me nervous. as always.

not only in writing. i think i have the same problem in me as a person too. trying to hard to become what i am not. pretend that i have a straight hair while actually my hair would be forever curly. and i would never be skinny. i was born with big bones, and i would carry that to the grave. and i would never be a witty and funny person. and the list would go on and on and on.

i don't know. i just felt that i am just too old to pretend to be somebody that i am not. i just need to relax and be myself. though, posing the question to myself, who am i, i know the answer would never be easy. who am i?


  1. hihiii..bener banget ci. writing is all about knowing ourselves better. and we found that sometimes knowing ourselves better is hard, hehe..

  2. IMHO, In writing, u just write what things in your mind. It could be your life, s'one's life, or other issues around u.

    Stimes, pretending being s'body or s'thing is needed in creative writing. It will sharpen your sense of what in your mind.

    *it's just my stupid thought in writing hehe*

    Keep in writing sizt...

  3. thank you. @danti, bener banget, pertanyaan itu kayaknya akan terus menerus ditanyakan pada diri sendiri, who am i? @nat: pura-pura jadi orang lain ok (gw juga selalu enjoy playfulness), but do we have to become somebody else? that's another question. gw rasa gw pada umur dimana gw sudah menerima kalo body gw ga akan kurus kering, rambut gw ga akan lurus, dan gw ga akan se-cool other people, haha. and it's relaxing


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