Me Thinking About Life

Lebih mudah menilai orang lain daripada diri sendiri. Itu kesimpulan yang bisa saya ambil. Entah kenapa, manusia dengan subyektivitasnya - termasuk saya - hobi sekali menilai orang lain dan menilai dirinya sendiri semacam malaikat yang tidak pernah salah. Bukan hanya salah, tapi permasalahan pun selama itu tentang diri kita seringkali kita tidak bisa lihat.

And we wonder why we are unhappy, sometimes...

And it is heartbreaking when we see people that we care about stuck in a vitriol that is unhappy life, and you wonder why they never seems to be able to get out of it. Never ending complaint, sadness, but yet, when they are confronted with the problem, they cowered and choose to swallow whatever bitter pills they need to swallow just to make the problem go away. No, not go away. Disappear, but not go away...

What is it? Addiction to pain? Is it so hard to pull yourself together to get out of the comfort zone? Or is it okay to bear the pain as long as it is something familiar, something you can hold on to? Then why bother complaining?

Maybe, just maybe, when you're complaining and yet you still stay in whatever situation you are complaining, it is you who do it to yourself. The problem is you...

The problem is me. The problem is you. The problem is our point of view...


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