Food Project- Day 1-Konro Bakar dan Tahu Gejrot
My 'iseng' project of combining cooking and photography. Of course, i have no clue of both :p. I vowed not to be lazy and cook and take pictures of it for the whole week. Let's see how it turn out :D
For day one, i decided to cook Konro Bakar and Tahu Gejrot as the guess star. Ga nyambung, i know (Shhhh, ga usah ribut). Konro Bakar is the food originally come from Sulawesi (Celebes). It's a grilled ribs, but with lots of spices :D. This is one of the food that i craves a lot. The best one i have ever try is of course the one on Lapangan Karebosi, Makassar. I ate two portion at that time (courtesy of Papa Procter, my old company) and i was still hungry because it was just so good (and i am also rakus). The Konro Bakar was served with spicy peanut sauce. This is the recipe i got near the original (or so i think). Still haven't figured out how to make the spicy peanut sauce for the Konro since it's a bit different from the peanut sauce for Gado-Gado or the Lotek.
Recipe (in Indonesian Language, sorry, i'm not consistent. Just click the Google translate if you want to be consistent in English :D), taken and modified from this blog
2 ltr air
2 cm kayu manis
3 butir cengkeh
3 cm lengkuas, dimemarkan
2 lembar daun salam
2000 ml air
3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
½ sdm garam
5 butir bawang merah, iris tipis
2 sdm air asam jawa
Bumbu Halus :
5 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 sdt merica bulat
½ sdt pala
2-3 buah kluwek, ambil dagingnya
50 gr kacang merah direbus matang
1¼ sdm garam
Cara membuat:
1. Rebus iga, kayumanis, cengkeh, daun salam, lengkuas, garam dan air asam jawa.
2. Tumis bumbu halus dan bawang merah iris hingga harum.
3. Tuang tumisan bumbu ke dalam rebusan iga dan masak sampai bumbu meresap dan iga matang.
4. Untuk Konro Bakar, angkat iga dari air rebusan iga, lalu dibakar dengan bumbu kacang (Bumbu kacang bisa menggunakan bumbu kacang untuk gado-gado/lotek ditambah cabe).
4. Sajikan panas dengan air iga, sambal dan air jeruk nipis.
Tahu Gejrot
Originally comes from Cirebon (or so they said), but surely i ate this the first time in QBR in Jakarta where we had lunch on that strange Boat Restaurant without aircon, and suddenly this Tahu Gejrot seller came out of thin air (That's what i love about food in Indonesia. They (or the seller) have the ability of coming out of thin air). It's tasty and yummy then, and my first trial to imitate 'Mang Tahu' resulted with my husband got his diarrhea. Oh, well, not this time :D. The recipe for tahu gejrot is actually very simple and easy. This one i got from Kak Echa's blog,
2 buah tahu putih
Minyak untuk menggoreng
5 buah cabai rawit atau sesuai selera
3 buah cabai merah
3 siung bawang merah
1 sdm gula merah
1/2 sdt garam
5 sdm kecap manis
1 gundu asam Jawa
1/2 gelas air matang
Cara membuat:
* Potong tahu berbentuk kotak-kotak ukuran 4 X 4 cm. Goreng hingga matang. Angkat, tiriskan.
* Larutkan asam Jawa dengan air matang. Haluskan cabai merah, cabai rawit, bawang merah, garam dan gula merah dalam cobek tanah liat. Tuang kecap, air asam, aduk rata.
* Masukkan tahu sambil ditekan-tekan dengan ulekan hingga pecah dan saus meresep. Sajikan.
For day one, i decided to cook Konro Bakar and Tahu Gejrot as the guess star. Ga nyambung, i know (Shhhh, ga usah ribut). Konro Bakar is the food originally come from Sulawesi (Celebes). It's a grilled ribs, but with lots of spices :D. This is one of the food that i craves a lot. The best one i have ever try is of course the one on Lapangan Karebosi, Makassar. I ate two portion at that time (courtesy of Papa Procter, my old company) and i was still hungry because it was just so good (and i am also rakus). The Konro Bakar was served with spicy peanut sauce. This is the recipe i got near the original (or so i think). Still haven't figured out how to make the spicy peanut sauce for the Konro since it's a bit different from the peanut sauce for Gado-Gado or the Lotek.
Recipe (in Indonesian Language, sorry, i'm not consistent. Just click the Google translate if you want to be consistent in English :D), taken and modified from this blog
2 cm kayu manis
3 butir cengkeh
3 cm lengkuas, dimemarkan
2 lembar daun salam
2000 ml air
3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
½ sdm garam
5 butir bawang merah, iris tipis
2 sdm air asam jawa
5 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 sdt merica bulat
½ sdt pala
2-3 buah kluwek, ambil dagingnya
50 gr kacang merah direbus matang
1¼ sdm garam
Cara membuat:
1. Rebus iga, kayumanis, cengkeh, daun salam, lengkuas, garam dan air asam jawa.
2. Tumis bumbu halus dan bawang merah iris hingga harum.
3. Tuang tumisan bumbu ke dalam rebusan iga dan masak sampai bumbu meresap dan iga matang.
4. Untuk Konro Bakar, angkat iga dari air rebusan iga, lalu dibakar dengan bumbu kacang (Bumbu kacang bisa menggunakan bumbu kacang untuk gado-gado/lotek ditambah cabe).
4. Sajikan panas dengan air iga, sambal dan air jeruk nipis.
Tahu Gejrot
Originally comes from Cirebon (or so they said), but surely i ate this the first time in QBR in Jakarta where we had lunch on that strange Boat Restaurant without aircon, and suddenly this Tahu Gejrot seller came out of thin air (That's what i love about food in Indonesia. They (or the seller) have the ability of coming out of thin air). It's tasty and yummy then, and my first trial to imitate 'Mang Tahu' resulted with my husband got his diarrhea. Oh, well, not this time :D. The recipe for tahu gejrot is actually very simple and easy. This one i got from Kak Echa's blog,
2 buah tahu putih
Minyak untuk menggoreng
5 buah cabai rawit atau sesuai selera
3 buah cabai merah
3 siung bawang merah
1 sdm gula merah
1/2 sdt garam
5 sdm kecap manis
1 gundu asam Jawa
1/2 gelas air matang
Cara membuat:
* Potong tahu berbentuk kotak-kotak ukuran 4 X 4 cm. Goreng hingga matang. Angkat, tiriskan.
* Larutkan asam Jawa dengan air matang. Haluskan cabai merah, cabai rawit, bawang merah, garam dan gula merah dalam cobek tanah liat. Tuang kecap, air asam, aduk rata.
* Masukkan tahu sambil ditekan-tekan dengan ulekan hingga pecah dan saus meresep. Sajikan.
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