
Adjustment is always hard. Like us trying to cope with the winterland here. My kids never experience below zero degree. In our hometown, the lowest you can get is around 18 degree celcius. And it's already freezing. But i have to say, my kids is being very brave. Very brave.

And me. It's hard to adjust. Like they always said, the privileged of being an Indonesian is that you get so many help. Extended family. Cheap helper. Yeah, we yell at them and we pay them poorly (hey, i didn't do that). Now here, everything is expensive, and i have to do it by myself.

Not that i complained. I kind of love it. I mean, i love to be able to wash similar color with similar color, something that my helper never did, or always wash my drinking cup first before the plate, something that never been bothered by my helper too. But from one laundry to another, from one dishes to another, not to mention the urgency of cook or die, it leaves me no room for me to sit down, writing nonsense in this blog, or reading some of the books that i brought from Indonesia (times, that i think i would have lots here, it seems always running out). And i digress.

Maybe it's a huge adjustment for me. Maybe i just need to sort things out. Maybe i just need to settle with dishes, laundry, and cooking and leave everything else behind temporarily. I don't know. Time will tell. Like my cranky skin, only time will tell when it will healed.

Howgh. As Winnetou did.


  1. wowwwwww.. baru tau ada blog secanggih ini g dipublish... asikkk.. kita bisa tukaran pemikiran ya bu...

  2. nat..ini tempat sembunyi, haha. gw kan tidak se-ekstrovert keliatannya. disini gw bisa meracau seenaknya (maaf, komenpun gw sort karena gw males suka ada yang komen ga penting). o, ya, blog loe udah gw masukin dari lama ke list gw, gpp ya?

  3. gpp bu...
    Moderasi komen. Hmm skrg gw tau, dimana intan belajar tentang ini hahaha...

    gw jg dah masukkan loe di blogroll ku.
    Saling sharing bu...

    btw, sejak disana jadi lebih rajin nulis ya..

    mantap !!! :-bd


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